Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Hello blog. Well let's see. Well Thanksgiving Day I decided it would be smart to text my ex happy thanksgiving  That was without texting him for almost of month. From then until Christmas Day we were texting each other  Nothing romantic. Mostly him telling me how happy he was in his new life. How he was a changed man,,,,BLAH BLAH BLAH For some reason I let him stay in my life until Christmas  We had had several fights because he was so insensitive to me and our relationship. He ended things but I blocked him from my phone and that's where he will stay. I was just lonely and looking for some attention.

So I am dating someone. I think he is adorable! Like really idk why he is with me. But he is a pretty crappy bf. Well he's not even a bf, we're just dating. We have been dating since mid November  Things are ok. I really enjoy being with him but its so hard to see him. He is always busy. So idk where its going but its interesting.

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