Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Well much has changed. I can finally say I am 100% finished with my ex bf...A. As of May 13th. He is gone! We tried to date for a month. Things at the very beginning were good. I was happy and he was a good bf. Things started fading away. His text got fewer and fewer. I saw him less and of course once again he became too sick to do anything. So I ended it and walked away. And since this is my own personal diary and I don't need to lie on it.....im not lol My heart is completely done with him. Yay your saying. Well on one hand absolutely yay. But of course I tried to date someone else. His name is J. We started off very sexual and here I act surprised that he never seems to really think much of my feelings. He seemed to be very serious about wanting to be with me. Even after we have slept together twice he still claims he has feelings for me. But he disappears and I don't hear from him for awhile. Tonight we mentioned getting together and then when I got off work....poof he's nowhere to be found. It hurts because I do like him. But in all honesty what did I expect. I just need to heal up this wound and move on. I am on eharmony and haven't had any luck. I have people talking to me, but it goes nowhere. It's ok I hope someday soon to just leave all this drama behind and be happy. Idk when that will be, but only I have the power to change things for the better. Wish me luck blog land.